15 Haz

Select Specific Nodes From XML Using XPath in C#

This example shows how to use an XPath expression in C#. In the sample code, there are two queries. The first of them selects top 2 nodes(vegetable) from xml document. Another query selects price nodes with price > 15. To select nodes from XML, we use the method “XmlDocument.Selec­tNodes” in System.Xml namespace. Then we pass XPath expression as a parameter.

            //Suppose we have this XML file.
            string xml =
               "" +
               "    " +
               "        Pepper" +     
               "        10" +
               "    " +
               "    " +
               "        Onion" +     
               "        20" +
               "    " +
               "    " +
               "        Garlic" +     
               "        5" +
               "    " +
               "    " +
               "        Corn" +     
               "        35" +
               "    " +

            // Creates an XmlDocument to load the xml data.
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            // Select top 2 vegetables from the xml document.
            string expression = "/Vegetables/Vegetable[position() <= 2]";
            XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDocument.SelectNodes(expression);
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                Console.WriteLine("Vegetable: {0}", node["Name"].InnerText);
            //Vegetable: Pepper
            //Vegetable: Onion

            // Select price nodes with price > 15
            expression = "/Vegetables/Vegetable[Price>15]/Price";
            nodes = xmlDocument.SelectNodes(expression);
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                Console.WriteLine("Price: {0}", node.InnerText);
            //Price: 20
            //Price: 35 

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